Experience True Health
For You and Your Entire Family

Dr. David Boynton

Sycamore Chiropractic and Nutrition

Experience true health for you and your entire family

Our team at Sycamore Chiropractic and Nutrition offers safe, effective and affordable care with a personal touch. We serve patients from Mason and the surrounding communities. Visit us for all of your family's health care needs.

Our Services

  • Chiropractic

    Chiropractic care is the main focus at Sycamore Chiropractic and Nutrition. Dr. Boynton is an expert in treating any condition a patient could ever have, because he treats the nervous system.

  • Nutritional Evaluation

    We want to teach you how good food is medicine and how bad foods harm your body!

  • Functional Medicine

    Functional medicine is patient-centered laboratory testing to determine the underlying root cause of the patient’s symptoms.

  • Allergy Elimination

    Dr. Boynton can identify and eliminate over 1,000 food and environmental allergies and treat them accordingly with his use.

  • Massage Therapy

    Massage therapy is an excellent way to reduce pain, increase flexibility, reduce inflammation, stimulate lymphatic drainag.

  • Debbie Belshaw, CHC, NTP

    Debbie is a Certified Health Coach and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. She believes the body has the ability to heal itself.

Why Functional Medicine?

Frustrated with not being able to find answers to your health concerns? Dr. David Boynton will determine the underlying root cause of your symptoms and create a personalized plan designed to restore you to optimal health so you can get back to enjoying your life and no longer have to continue to remain in despair and confusion.

Functional Medicine combines a comprehensive history and exam with state of art lab testing to determine what is causing the body to not function as designed. There can be multiple reasons you may have symptoms like high blood pressure. Traditional medicine focuses on using drugs or other means to decrease the blood pressure and fix the symptom. While functional medicine focuses on finding the answer to what is not functioning properly to cause high blood pressure.

Modifying lifestyle, diet, and supplements that will allow your body to function as it was designed, so proper healing can occur from the inside out. Living a life without symptoms is one thing, but you can live an optimal life full of vitality at any age while avoiding the need to rely on medicine to treat symptoms. 

Meet the Team

What Our Patients Are Saying

Get in Contact

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
8 am - 6 pm


8 am - 4 pm



9007 Fields Ertel Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45249, United States.