Transform Your Thoughts,
Transform Your Life

Nicole Jeffries

Certified Consulting Hypnotist

Why Hypnotherapy?

Welcome to Nicole Jeffries Hypnosis, where transformation begins. Hypnosis is a highly effective therapeutic technique that empowers individuals to achieve profound change in just a few sessions. Backed by research showing a 93% recovery rate after six sessions or less, hypnotherapy offers a faster path to healing compared to traditional methods. At Nicole Jeffries Hypnosis, we're dedicated to helping you gain control over your behavior, emotions, and well-being through the gentle yet powerful practice of hypnosis. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and unlock your true potential today.

My Services

  • Private Sessions

    Experience personalized hypnotherapy sessions tailored to your needs. Our private sessions provide a personal, comfortable, and confidential environment for transformative work. With systematic approaches and techniques, we address deeper issues effectively, ensuring your individual needs are met. Personal sessions offer one-on-one attention and have a higher success rate, empowering you to achieve lasting results. Additionally, you'll receive tools for ongoing support and development, with email assistance available before and after sessions.

  • Group Sessions

    Join our group hypnotherapy sessions designed for collective empowerment. In a supportive environment with like-minded individuals, experience the benefits of hypnosis while forming connections and sharing experiences. Group sessions, ideal for those seeking camaraderie and a buddy system approach, offer cost-effective solutions for common goals such as smoking cessation, weight loss, and stress management. Benefit from direct suggestions and group dynamics while saving on session costs.

Hypnosis can help with…

Weight Issues

Hypnotherapy promotes healthy eating habits and addresses underlying emotional triggers for overeating, aiding in sustainable weight management.


Through guided imagery and positive reinforcement, hypnosis builds self-esteem and fosters a confident mindset for personal and professional success.

Sleep Issues

Hypnotherapy induces relaxation and addresses underlying causes of insomnia, promoting restful sleep and improved overall well-being.

Stop Smoking

By reprogramming subconscious patterns, hypnosis supports smoking cessation, reducing cravings, increasing motivation for a smoke-free lifestyle.


Hypnotherapy addresses phobias and anxieties by rewiring negative thought patterns, instilling calmness and confidence in facing fears.

Public Speaking

Overcome stage fright and improve public speaking skills through hypnotherapy, boosting confidence and enhancing communication abilities.


Hypnotherapy induces deep relaxation, teaching coping mechanisms and promoting mental clarity to manage stress effectively.


Enhance performance in various areas, such as sports or academics, by overcoming mental barriers and cultivating a focused, resilient mindset.

Relationship Focus

Address communication issues, enhance empathy, and foster intimacy through hypnotherapy, improving overall relationship dynamics and satisfaction.

Hypnotherapy can also help you with motivation, nail biting, eliminating unwanted habits, guilt and loss, forgiveness, school, self-image, business improvement, children's issues, improving mood, positive thinking, stuttering, facial ticks, shyness, creativity, nervousness, concentration/focus, spiritual enhancement, goal/task planning & management, mental blocks, cancer relief, among other things.

Meet Nicole

Nicole Jeffries, a certified consulting hypnotist and member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, shares her journey of personal transformation and discovery of hypnosis as a powerful tool for change. With a background in psychology and a passion for helping others, Nicole's approach is rooted in empathy and understanding. Having experienced her own struggles with worry, smoking, weight, confidence, and depression, she intimately understands the challenges her clients face.

Through self-hypnosis and extensive training, Nicole has harnessed the power of hypnosis to make positive changes in her life and now empowers others to do the same. With specialized training in pediatric hypnosis, working with cancer patients, and pain management, Nicole is dedicated to providing personalized care and guidance to her clients. Her holistic approach includes incorporating techniques from NLP, psychology, nutrition, meditation, and personal growth to support her clients on their journey to unlocking their true potential and living their best lives.


What is Hypnosis?

Intrigued by hypnosis? Explore its depths and unlock your full potential by watching this insightful video!

Is Hypnosis Safe?

Wondering about hypnosis safety? Watch our video to uncover its benefits and ensure a secure experience.

Hypnosis Services do not in any way replace traditional health care.
Hypnotic Wellness Methods works in conjunction with trained, licensed medical  professionals, and will communicate with your doctor about your holistic care. In some cases, a referral by a licensed, medical doctor may be required before an appointment can be scheduled.
​Consult your doctor before/ when receiving hypnosis services.

Get in Contact

Monday to Friday
9 am - 6 pm




250 East, Main Street, STE A
Batavia, Ohio, 45154
(Next to Main Street Salon)